#82 [Bonus] Dr. Perry Nickelston's Big Six Lymph Flow Routine [Follow Along]

Staffel #1

Check out the link for a detailed article with instructions and background ➤ https://thinkflowgrow.com/lymph/ 

➤ Get access to 2 FREE Unlock Your Body routines, a BONUS video on breathing and the lymphatic system and insightful takeaways – your stepping stone to a journey of holistic body health ➤ FREE: https://thinkflowgrow.com/freebee 

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In the first part of the podcast with Dr. Perry Nickelston, you already learned about the tremendous importance of the lymphatic system to true health. In part two, it will become even clearer. You shouldn't just know the importance, you should experience it.

That's why Perry shared with us his Big Six Lymph Flow Routine, which you can follow right here. As a video here, on YouTube, or as a mini podcast. It's a great place to start. My tip is to just try it for 2 to 4 weeks at a time and see what happens.

Make sure to listen to Part 1 and Part 2 of the Podcast.

It might be a good idea to decongest the lymphatic system even before the breathing and exercise routine. That's what I'm going to do for the next 4 weeks and I'm curious. Maybe nothing will happen, or maybe the results will be magical, as all systems are interdependent.

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This is important to understand: This is non-linerar and so complex that it is virtually unpredictable. It sounds like nature, doesn't it? A small change to your system can cause exponential changes. These small changes are, on the one hand, the big fundamentals that are so powerful. But also the small and specific cogs, like nutrient deficiencies, forgotten muscles, or even lymphatic congestion.

Go for it! How are you feeling? Are you with it?

“Big Six” Daily Lymphatic Routine @YouTube

I would be very happy if you share the podcast with a screenshot on social media and leave us a rating on Apple and Spotify.

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➤ FREE: https://thinkflowgrow.com/freebee 

JOIN OUR PROGRAM Want to Unlock Your Body? Start Now ➤ https://thinkflowgrow.com/unlockyourbody

Stop Chasing Pain

Dr. Perry @Instagram

Dr. Perry @YouTube

Lorimer Moseley

Lymphatic Mojo Course

Stop Chasing Pain Podcast


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